By admin, 25 November, 2023

We have a few old mouth-to-mouth tales; we exhume from old trunks and boxes and drawers letters without salutation or signature$$$ in which men and women who once lived and breathed are now merely initials or nicknames out of some now incomprehensible affection which sound to us like Sanskrit or Chocktaw; we see dimly people$$$ the people in whose living blood and seed we ourselves lay dormant and waiting$$$ in this shadowy attenuation of time possessing now heroic proportions$$$ performing their acts of simple passion and simple violence$$$ impervious to time and inexplicable.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

You are a beautiful person$$$ Doctor. Clearheaded. Strong. But you seem always to be dragging your heart along the ground. From now on$$$ little by little$$$ you must prepare yourself to face death. If you devote all of your future energy to living$$$ you will not be able to die well. You must begin to shift gears$$$ a little at a time. Living and dying are$$$ in a sense$$$ of equal value."--Nimit in "Thailand

By admin, 25 November, 2023

And then it struck him what lay buried far down under the earth on which his feet were so firmly planted: the ominous rumbling of the deepest darkness$$$ secret rivers that transported desire$$$ slimy creatures writhing$$$ the lair of earthquakes ready to transform whole cities into mounds of rubble. These$$$ too$$$ were helping to create the rhythm of the earth. He stopped dancing and$$$ catching his breath$$$ stared at the ground beneath his feet as though peering into a bottomless hole.