We ate well and cheaply and drank well and cheaply and slept well and warm together and loved each other.
A friendliness$$$ as of dwarfs shaking hands$$$ was in the air...
And Aziz in an awful rage danced this way and that$$$ not knowing what to do$$$ and cried: "Down with the English anyhow. That's certain. Clear out$$$ you fellows$$$ double quick$$$ I say. We may hate one another$$$ but we hate you most. If I don't make you go$$$ Ahmed will$$$ Karim will$$$ if it's flfty-flve hundred years we shall get rid of you$$$ yes$$$ we shall drive every blasted Englishman into the sea$$$ and then "—he rode against him furiously— "and then$$$" he concluded$$$ half kissing him$$$ "you and I shall be friends.
It never bored them to hear words$$$ words; they breathed them with the cool night air$$$ never stopping to analyse; the name of the poet$$$ Hafiz$$$ Hali$$$ Iqbal$$$ was sufficient guarantee. India—a hundred Indias—whispered outside beneath the indifferent moon$$$ but for the time India seemed one and their own$$$ and they regained their departed greatness by hearing its departure lamented$$$ they felt young again because reminded that youth must fly.
In every remark he found a meaning$$$ but not always the true meaning$$$ and his life$$$ though vivid$$$ was largely a dream.
He had no racial feeling—not because he was superior to his brother civilians$$$ but because he had matured in a different atmosphere$$$ where the herd instinct does not flourish.
There are different ways of evil and I prefer mine to yours.
Adventures do occur$$$ but not punctually.
I think everyone fails$$$ but there are so many kinds of failure.
The issues Miss Quested had raised were so much more important than she was herself that people inevitably forgot her.