By admin, 25 November, 2023

I don't like people who like me because I'm a Negro; neither do I like people who find in the same accident grounds for contempt. I love America more than any other country in the world$$$ and$$$ exactly for this reason$$$ I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. I think all theories are suspect$$$ that the finest principles may have to be modified$$$ or may even be pulverized by the demands of life$$$ and that one must find$$$ therefore$$$ one's own moral center and move through the world hoping that this center will guide one aright.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

Giovanni had awakened an itch$$$ had released a gnaw in me. I realized it one afternoon$$$ when I was taking him to work via the Boulevard Montparnasse. We had bought a kilo of cherries and we were eating them as we walked along. We were both insufferably childish and high-spirited that afternoon and the spectacle we presented$$$ two grown men jostling each other on the wide sidewalk and aiming the cherry pits$$$ as though they were spitballs$$$ into each other's faces$$$ must have been outrageous.

By admin, 25 November, 2023

A person does not lightly elect to oppose his society. One would much rather be at home among one's compatriots than be mocked and detested by them. And there is a level on which the mockery of people$$$ even their hatred$$$ is moving$$$ because it is so blind: It is terrible to watch people cling to their captivity and insist on their own destruction.