<p>An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his subject$$$ and how to avoid them.</p>
<p>Two roads diverged in a wood$$$ and I — I took the one less traveled by$$$ and that has made all the difference.</p>
<p>A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk$$$ I have a work station.</p>
<p>Life wasn't made to be easy on folks: they wouldn't ever have any reason to be good and die.</p>
<p>Pouring out liquor is like burning books.</p>
<p>Courtship is to marriage$$$ as a very witty prologue to a very dull play.</p>
<p>Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.</p>
<p>Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.</p>
<p>Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties$$$ and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years$$$ men will still say$$$ 'This was their finest hour.'</p>
<p>Everybody said$$$ "Follow your heart." I did$$$ it got broken</p>