<p>You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.</p>
<p>Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?</p>
<p>I suppose all of my films have a common theme. If I think about it$$$ though$$$ the only theme I can think of is really a question: Why can't people be happier together?</p>
<p>Today will die tomorrow.</p>
<p>In the long run$$$ most of us spend about fifteen minutes total in the entanglements of passion$$$ and the rest of our days looking back on it$$$ humming the tune.</p>
<p>I know the outer world as well as you do$$$ and I judge it. You know nothing of my inner world$$$ and yet you presume to judge that world.</p>
<p>It is natural to believe in God when you're alone — quite alone$$$ in the night$$$ thinking about death.</p>
<p>To alcohol! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems</p>
<p>These woods are lovely$$$ dark and deep$$$<br />
But I have promises to keep$$$<br />
And miles to go before I sleep$$$<br />
And miles to go before I sleep.</p>
<p>You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.</p>