I felt dumb and subdued. Every time I tried to concentrate$$$ my mind glided off$$$ like a skater$$$ into a large empty space$$$ and pirouetted there$$$ absently.
The trouble about jumping was that if you didn't pick the right number of storeys$$$ you might still be alive when you hit bottom.
Character is fate.
People or stars<br>Regard me sadly$$$ I disappoint them.
I began to think vodka was my drink at last. It didn't taste like anything$$$ but it went straight down into my stomach like a sword swallower's sword and made me feel powerful and godlike.
Because wherever I sat on the deck of a ship or at a street café in Paris or Bangkok$$$ I would be sitting under the same glass bell jar$$$ stewing in my own sour air.
I am still so nave; I know pretty much what I like and dislike; but please$$$ dont ask me who I am. A passionate$$$ fragmentary girl$$$ maybe?
We should meet in another life$$$ we should meet in air$$$ me and you.
We have a definite but unknown quantity of experience at our disposal. As soon as the hourglass is turned$$$ the sand will begin to run out and once it starts$$$ it cannot stop until it's all gone.
It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction.