There are lovers content with longing. I'm not one of them.
Mickey Mouse to a three-year-old is a six-foot-tall RAT!
Ah$$$ music$$$ a magic beyond all we do here!
Beauty is a sign of intelligence.
To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man$$$ to surrender the rights of humanity and even its duties.
Your body is of no more value than that of John.
Pedure$$$ there is a deepness in the sky$$$ and it extends forever.
It is only through labor and painful effort$$$ by grim energy and resolute courage$$$ that we move on to better things.
We must hold to a rigid accountability those public servants who show unfaithfulness to the interests of the nation or inability to rise to the high level of the new demands upon our strength and our resources.
Well$$$ we'll know better next time.