Unhappy is the fate of one who tries to win his battles and succeed in his attacks without cultivating the spirit of enterprise; for the result is waste of time and general stagnation.
Confront them with annihilation$$$ and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation$$$ and they will then live. When people fall into danger$$$ they are then able to strive for victory.
You're lucky enough to be different. Never change.
If you wait by the river long enough$$$ the bodies of your enemies will float by.
To make matters worse$$$ I was out of a job and had very little money and was self-exiled to Flatbush like others of my countrymen$$$ another lean and lonesome Southerner wandering amid the Kingdom of the Jews.
It was$$$ of course$$$ the memory of Sophie and Nathan's long-ago plunge that set loose this flood [of tears]$$$ but it was also a letting go of rage and sorrow for the many others who during these past months had battered at my mind and now demanded my mourning: Sophie and Nathan$$$ yes$$$ but also Jan and Eva -- Eva with her one-eyed mis -- and Eddie Farrell$$$ and Bobby Weed$$$ and my young black savior Artiste$$$ and Maria Hunt$$$ and Nat Turner$$$ and Wanda Muck-Horch von Kretschmann$$$ who were but a few of the beaten and butchered and betrayed and martyred children of the earth.
He was made uneasy by unbraked hilarity and by extremes of sorrow alike$$$ especially the latter; he preferred life to sail along pleasantly and evenly$$$ and this$$$ he knew$$$ was for him a minor sort of tragedy.
At Dachau we had a wonderful pool for the garrison children. It was even heated. But that was before we were transferred. Dachau was ever so much nicer than Auschwitz. But then$$$ it was in the Reich. See my trophies there. The one in the middle$$$ the big one. That was presented to me by the Reich Youth Leader himself$$$ Baldur von Schirach. Let me show you my scrapbook.
Further$$$ Dr. Gold said with a straight face$$$ the pill at optimum dosage could have the side effect of impotence. Until that moment$$$ although I'd had some trouble with his personality$$$ I had not thought him totally lacking in perspicacity; now I was not all sure. Putting myself in Dr. Gold's shoes$$$ I wondered if he seriously thought that this juiceless and ravaged semi-invalid with the shuffle and the ancient wheeze woke up each morning from his Halcion sleep eager for carnal fun.
What this country needs... what this great land of ours needs is something to happen to it. Something ferocious and tragic$$$ like what happened to Jericho or the cities of the plain - something terrible I mean$$$ son$$$ so that when the people have been through hellfire and the crucible$$$ and have suffered agony enough and grief$$$ they'll be people again$$$ human beings$$$ not a bunch of smug contented cows rooting at the trough.