That is the test of everything. Renounce everything. It is the creative faculty that brings us into all this entanglement.
He has seen the glory of the Self.
A man is said to be [illumined] if his will has become firm$$$ if his mind is not disturbed by misery$$$ if he does not desire any happiness$$$ if he is free of all [attachment]$$$ of all fear$$$ of all anger.
There are thousands of folklore$$$ but in every case the sacrifice must have been kept up.
Our words have not the power of the words that become Vedas.
Stand alone! See the glory of your own soul$$$ and see that you will have to work.
Thus he goes beyond the pain of birth and death. Thus he becomes free.
We are allowed to worship him. Stand in that reverent attitude to the whole universe$$$ and then will come perfect non attachment.
The sage is not sorry for those that are living nor for those that die.
You may ask$$$ Who wrote the Vedas? They were not written. The words are the Vedas. A word is Veda$$$ if I can pronounce it rightly. Then it will immediately produce the [desired] effect.