Myself I must remake.
We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us that they may see$$$ it may be$$$ their own images$$$ and so live for a moment with a clearer$$$ perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet.
In dreams begin responsibilities.
For he would be thinking of love<br>Till the stars had run away<br>And the shadows eaten the moon.
What am I lying here for? ... We are lying here as though we had a chance of enjoying a quiet time... Am I waiting until I become a little older?
By the death of Mr. O. Chanute the world has lost one whose labors had to an unusual degree influenced the course of human progress. If he had not lived the entire history of progress in flying would have been other than it has been.
...could have laugh'd myself to scorn$$$ to find In that decrepit Man so firm a mind.
Almost suspended$$$ we are laid asleep <br>In body$$$ and become a living soul: <br>While with an eye made quiet by the power <br>Of harmony$$$ and the deep power of joy$$$ <br>We see into the life of things.
This son of his old age was yet more dear<br>Less from instinctive tenderness$$$ the same<br>Fond spirit that blindly works in the blood of all<br>Than that a child$$$ more than all other gifts<br>That earth can offer to declining man$$$ <br>Brings hope with it$$$ and forward-looking thoughts$$$ <br>And stirrings of inquietude$$$ when they <br>By tendency of nature needs must fail.
O joy! that in our embers <br>Is something that doth live.