As your attorney I advise you to get the chiliburger. Its a hamburger with chili on it.
Often we wish to be exorcised of demons we ourselves have allowed.
Each one of us is left to choose our own quality of life and take pleasure where we find it with the understanding that$$$ like Mom used to say$$$ sooner or later something's gonna get you.
Until we invent telepathy$$$ books are our best choice for understanding the rest of humanity.
Cyanide is natural. So is arsenic.
Didn't I realize that each of us is a sacred$$$ unique snowflake of special unique specialness?
Reject the basic assumptions of civilization$$$ especially the importance of material possessions.
Books are my friends$$$ my companions. They make me laugh and cry and find meaning in life.
The majority is always sane.
Books are always obviously having conversations with other books$$$ and some times they're amiable and sometimes not.