Now no discourse$$$ except it be of Love;
Now I can break my fast$$$ dine$$$ sup and sleep
Upon the very naked name of Love.
What's the unkindest tide?
For what I will$$$ I will$$$ and there an end.
I have no other but a woman's reason:
I think him so$$$ because I think him so.
I know it well$$$ sir; you have an exchequer of words$$$ and$$$ I think$$$ no other treasure to give your followers; for it appears by their bare liveries that they live by your bare words.
I see things too$$$ although you judge I wink.
O time most accurst!
'Mongst all foes that a friend should be the worst!
Why$$$ stand-under and under-stand is all one.
A man is never undone till he be hang'd
No more; unless the next word that thou speak'st
Have some malignant power upon my life:
If so$$$ I pray thee breathe it in mine ear$$$
As ending anthem of my endless dolour.