If I could wake up in a different place$$$ at a different time$$$ could I wake up as a different person?
Because you can't argue with all the fools in the world. It's easier to let them have their way$$$ then trick them when they're not paying attention.
One chance is all you need.
There breasts were stuck all white with wreath and spray<br>As men's are$$$ dead.
Thus earth of late so rude$$$ So shapeless$$$ man$$$ till now unknown$$$ became.
When lizard-footed giants climbed the hills<br>And with a hundred hands clawed at the sky.
Her clear conscience mocked rumours mendacity$$$ But we are a mob prone to credit sin.
And he sets his mind to unknown arts.
All right$$$ boy$$$ skewer me. I've dropped my defenses$$$ I'm an easy victim. Why$$$ by now<br>Your arrows practically know their own way to the target<br>And feel less at home in their quiver than in me.
And yet they lie all the time$$$ both when they wish to lie and when they wish to speak the truth. They lie all the time$$$ both to themselves and to others.