It makes such difference where you read.
I tramp a perpetual journey.
Who said that? asked Sir Grummore. "But the sword said it$$$ like I tell you." "Talkative weapon$$$" remarked Sir Grummore skeptically.
No$$$ I'm not. Yes$$$ you are. No$$$ I'm not. Yes$$$ you are. I said Pax Non. You said Pax. No$$$ I didn't. Yes$$$ you did. No$$$ I didn't. Yes$$$ you did.
Kings can only use their best tools.
The author says people are guilty of "wrecking the present because the future was bound to be a wreck."
And in the winter$$$ which was confined by statute to two months$$$ the snow lay evenly$$$ three feet thick$$$ but never turned into slush.
But his heart had been made as a match for Elaine's$$$ and now it was unable to bear the burden which hers had been forced to lay down.
Mordred and Agravaine thought Arthur hypocritical$$$ as all decent men must be$$$ if you assume that decency can't exist.
I will tell you something else$$$ King$$$ which may be a surprise for you. It will not happen for hundreds of years$$$ but both of us are to come back.