Whence follows the plain conclusion$$$ that if all men were elected$$$ no man would perish.
Therefore by the example of Abram$$$ entire self-renunciation is enjoined$$$ that we may live and die to God alone.
What then is the Word of God which gives us life; what but the law$$$ the prophets$$$ and the gospel?
But Jacob was divinely chosen and his brother$$$ the first-born$$$ was rejected.
Holding firmly to the principle that true religion is founded upon obedience.
He only who is reduced to nothing in himself$$$ and relies on the mercy of God is poor in spirit.
He who has learned to look to God in everything he does is at the same time diverted from all vain thoughts.
God orders what we cannot do$$$ that we may know what we ought to ask of him.
There is no knowing that does not begin with knowing God.
If there are no books. There is no civilization.