Don't talk to me about hatred if you haven't been married.
We can get angry: it's even healthy to get angry from time to time.
Boys are marvellous creatures. Perhaps they will sink below the brutes; perhaps they will attain to a womans tenderness.
For literature had always been a solace for him$$$ something that the ugliness of facts could not spoil.
I believe in teaching people to be individuals$$$ and to understand other individuals.
A humanist has four leading characteristics - curiosity$$$ a free mind$$$ belief in good taste$$$ and belief in the human race.
You don't have to hold a position in order to be a leader.
The novel is a medium of profoundly serious investigation into the human case.
Mrs. Vanderdecken$$$ Sylvia went on$$$ says all men are repulsive and its womans disgusting task to live beside them.
Having no intercourse with anyone$$$ she lived in the torpid state of a sleep-walker.