We saw something swimming in the water$$$ and pulled toward it$$$ thinking it a coyote; but we soon recognized a large grizzly bear$$$ swimming directly across the channel. Not having any weapon$$$ we hurriedly pulled for the schooner$$$ calling out$$$ as we neared it$$$ "A bear! A bear!" It so happened that Major Miller was on deck$$$ washing his face and hands. He ran rapidly to the bow of the vessel$$$ took the musket from the hands of the sentinel$$$ and fired at the bear$$$ as he passed but a short distance ahead of the schooner. The bear rose$$$ made a growl or howl$$$ but continued his course. As we scrambled up the port-aide to get our guns$$$ the mate$$$ with a crew$$$ happened to have a boat on the starboard-aide$$$ and$$$ armed only with a hatchet$$$ they pulled up alongside the bear$$$ and the mate struck him in the head with the hatchet. The bear turned$$$ tried to get into the boat$$$ but the mate struck his claws with repeated blows$$$ and made him let go. After several passes with him$$$ the mate actually killed the bear$$$ got a rope round him$$$ and towed him alongside the schooner$$$ where he was hoisted on deck. The carcass weighed over six hundred pounds. It was found that Major Millers shot had struck the bear in the lower jaw$$$ and thus disabled him. Had it not been for this$$$ the bear would certainly have upset the boat and drowned all in it. As it was$$$ however$$$ his meat served us a good turn in our trip up to Stockton.
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