As regards any specific book$$$ I'm trying primarily to tell a story$$$ in the most effective way I can think of$$$ the most moving$$$ the most exhaustive. But I think even that is incidental to what I am trying to do$$$ taking my output (the course of it

By admin, 25 November, 2023

As regards any specific book$$$ I'm trying primarily to tell a story$$$ in the most effective way I can think of$$$ the most moving$$$ the most exhaustive. But I think even that is incidental to what I am trying to do$$$ taking my output (the course of it) as a whole. I am telling the same story over and over$$$ which is myself and the world. . . I'm trying to say it all in one sentence$$$ between one Cap and one period. I'm still trying to put it all$$$ if possible on one pinhead. I don't know how to do it. All I know to do is to keep on trying in a new way. . . Life is a phenomenon but not a novelty$$$ the same frantic steeplechase toward nothing everywhere and man stinks the same stink no matter where in time.

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