If thou be one whose heart the holy forms<br>Of young imagination have kept pure$$$<br>Stranger! henceforth be warned; and know$$$ that pride$$$<br>Howe'er disguised in its own majesty$$$<br>Is littleness; that he$$$ who feels contempt<br>For any living t

By admin, 25 November, 2023

If thou be one whose heart the holy forms<br>Of young imagination have kept pure$$$<br>Stranger! henceforth be warned; and know$$$ that pride$$$<br>Howe'er disguised in its own majesty$$$<br>Is littleness; that he$$$ who feels contempt<br>For any living thing$$$ hath faculties<br>Which he has never used; that thought with him<br>Is in its infancy. <br>The man$$$ whose eyeIs ever on himself$$$ doth look on one$$$<br>The least of nature's works$$$ one who might move<br>The wise man to that scorn which wisdom holds<br>Unlawful$$$ ever. O$$$ be wiser thou!<br>Instructed that true knowledge leads to love$$$<br>True dignity abides with him alone<br>Who$$$ in the silent hour of inward thought$$$<br>Can still suspect$$$ and still revere himself$$$<br>In lowliness of heart.

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