I returned$$$ however$$$ with unabated vigour to my work—a more arduous task than anyone can imagine$$$ who has not felt something like the misery of being charged with the care and direction of a set of mischievous$$$ turbulent rebels$$$ whom his utmost

By admin, 25 November, 2023

I returned$$$ however$$$ with unabated vigour to my work—a more arduous task than anyone can imagine$$$ who has not felt something like the misery of being charged with the care and direction of a set of mischievous$$$ turbulent rebels$$$ whom his utmost exertions cannot bind to their duty; while$$$ at the same time$$$ he is responsible for their conduct to a higher power$$$ who exacts from him what cannot be achieved without the aid of the superior’s more potent authority; which$$$ either from indolence$$$ or the fear of becoming unpopular with the said rebellious gang$$$ the latter refuses to give. I can conceive few situations more harassing than that wherein$$$ however you may long for success$$$ however you may labour to fulfil your duty$$$ your efforts are baffled and set at nought by those beneath you$$$ and unjustly censured and misjudged by those above.

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