If she herself had had any picture of the future$$$ it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip$$$ all equal$$$ each working according to his capacity$$$ the strong protecting the weak$$$ as she had protected the lost brood of du

By admin, 25 November, 2023

If she herself had had any picture of the future$$$ it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip$$$ all equal$$$ each working according to his capacity$$$ the strong protecting the weak$$$ as she had protected the lost brood of ducklings with her foreleg on the night of Major's speech. Instead–she did not know why–they had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind$$$ when fierce$$$ growling dogs roamed everywhere$$$ and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes. There was no thought of rebellion or disobedience in her mind. She knew that$$$ even as things were$$$ they were far better off than they had been in the days of Jones$$$ and that before all else it was needful to prevent the return of the human beings. Whatever happened she would remain faithful$$$ work hard$$$ carry out the orders that were given to her$$$ and accept the leadership of Napoleon. But still$$$ it was not for this that she and all the other animals had hoped and toiled. It was not for this that they had built the windmill and faced the bullets of Jones's gun. Such were her thoughts$$$ though she lacked the words to express them.At last$$$ feeling this to be in some way a substitute for the words she was unable to find$$$ she began to sing Beasts of England. The other animals sitting round her took it up$$$ and they sang it three times over–very tunefully$$$ but slowly and mournfully$$$ in a way they had never sung it before.

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