Come$$$ shadow$$$ come$$$ and take this shadow up$$$
For 'tis thy rival.
Experience is by industry achiev'd$$$
And perfected by the swift course of time.
Hope is a lover's staff; walk hence with that
And manage it against despairing thoughts.
Love is your master$$$ for he masters you;
And he that is so yoked by a fool$$$
Methinks$$$ should not be chronicled for wise.
What$$$ gone without a word?
Ay$$$ so true love should do. It cannot speak$$$
For truth hath better deeds than words to grace it.
Wilt thou reach stars because they shine on thee?
Thou art a votary to fond desire
If you love her$$$ you cannot see her.
“Ay$$$ but hearken$$$ sir; though the chameleon Love can feed on the air$$$ I am one that am nourished by my victuals$$$ and would fain have meat.
O$$$ how this spring of love resembleth
The uncertain glory of an April day$$$
Which now shows all the beauty of the sun$$$
And by and by a cloud takes all away!